Prerequisite You should have installed Node.js (version 18.10.0 or higher).

Step 1. Install Mintlify on your OS:

Step 2. Go to the docs/ directory (where you can find mint.json) and run the following command:

mintlify dev

The documentation website is now available at http://localhost:3000.

Custom Ports

Mintlify uses port 3000 by default. You can use the --port flag to customize the port Mintlify runs on. For example, use this command to run in port 3333:

mintlify dev --port 3333

You will see an error like this if you try to run Mintlify in a port thatโ€™s already taken:

Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::3000

Mintlify Versions

Each CLI is linked to a specific version of Mintlify. Please update the CLI if your local website looks different than production.