
Embedchain comes with built-in support for various popular large language models. We handle the complexity of integrating these models for you, allowing you to easily customize your language model interactions through a user-friendly interface.


To use OpenAI LLM models, you have to set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable. You can obtain the OpenAI API key from the OpenAI Platform.

Once you have obtained the key, you can use it like this:

import os
from embedchain import App

os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = 'xxx'

app = App()
app.query("What is OpenAI?")

If you are looking to configure the different parameters of the LLM, you can do so by loading the app using a yaml config file.

Function Calling

Embedchain supports OpenAI Function calling with a single function. It accepts inputs in accordance with the Langchain interface.

With any of the previous inputs, the OpenAI LLM can be queried to provide the appropriate arguments for the function.

import os
from embedchain import App
from embedchain.llm.openai import OpenAILlm

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "sk-xxx"

llm = OpenAILlm(tools=multiply)
app = App(llm=llm)

result = app.query("What is the result of 125 multiplied by fifteen?")

Google AI

To use Google AI model, you have to set the GOOGLE_API_KEY environment variable. You can obtain the Google API key from the Google Maker Suite

Azure OpenAI

To use Azure OpenAI model, you have to set some of the azure openai related environment variables as given in the code block below:

You can find the list of models and deployment name on the Azure OpenAI Platform.


To use anthropic’s model, please set the ANTHROPIC_API_KEY which you find on their Account Settings Page.


Install related dependencies using the following command:

pip install --upgrade 'embedchain[cohere]'

Set the COHERE_API_KEY as environment variable which you can find on their Account settings page.

Once you have the API key, you are all set to use it with Embedchain.


Install related dependencies using the following command:

pip install --upgrade 'embedchain[together]'

Set the TOGETHER_API_KEY as environment variable which you can find on their Account settings page.

Once you have the API key, you are all set to use it with Embedchain.


Setup Ollama using https://github.com/jmorganca/ollama


Setup vLLM by following instructions given in their docs.


Install related dependencies using the following command:

pip install --upgrade 'embedchain[clarifai]'

set the CLARIFAI_PAT as environment variable which you can find in the security page. Optionally you can also pass the PAT key as parameters in LLM/Embedder class.

Now you are all set with exploring Embedchain.


Install related dependencies using the following command:

pip install --upgrade 'embedchain[opensource]'

GPT4all is a free-to-use, locally running, privacy-aware chatbot. No GPU or internet required. You can use this with Embedchain using the following code:


First, set JINACHAT_API_KEY in environment variable which you can obtain from their platform.

Once you have the key, load the app using the config yaml file:

Hugging Face

Install related dependencies using the following command:

pip install --upgrade 'embedchain[huggingface-hub]'

First, set HUGGINGFACE_ACCESS_TOKEN in environment variable which you can obtain from their platform.

You can load the LLMs from Hugging Face using three ways:

Hugging Face Hub

To load the model from Hugging Face Hub, use the following code:

Hugging Face Local Pipelines

If you want to load the locally downloaded model from Hugging Face, you can do so by following the code provided below:

Hugging Face Inference Endpoint

You can also use Hugging Face Inference Endpoints to access custom endpoints. First, set the HUGGINGFACE_ACCESS_TOKEN as above.

Then, load the app using the config yaml file:

Currently only supports text-generation and text2text-generation for now [ref].

See langchain’s hugging face endpoint for more information.


Llama2 is integrated through Replicate. Set REPLICATE_API_TOKEN in environment variable which you can obtain from their platform.

Once you have the token, load the app using the config yaml file:

Vertex AI

Setup Google Cloud Platform application credentials by following the instruction on GCP. Once setup is done, use the following code to create an app using VertexAI as provider:

Mistral AI

Obtain the Mistral AI api key from their console.

AWS Bedrock


  • Before using the AWS Bedrock LLM, make sure you have the appropriate model access from Bedrock Console.
  • You will also need to authenticate the boto3 client by using a method in the AWS documentation
  • You can optionally export an AWS_REGION


The model arguments are different for each providers. Please refer to the AWS Bedrock Documentation to find the appropriate arguments for your model.


Groq is the creator of the world’s first Language Processing Unit (LPU), providing exceptional speed performance for AI workloads running on their LPU Inference Engine.


In order to use LLMs from Groq, go to their platform and get the API key.

Set the API key as GROQ_API_KEY environment variable or pass in your app configuration to use the model as given below in the example.


NVIDIA AI Foundation Endpoints let you quickly use NVIDIA’s AI models, such as Mixtral 8x7B, Llama 2 etc, through our API. These models are available in the NVIDIA NGC catalog, fully optimized and ready to use on NVIDIA’s AI platform. They are designed for high speed and easy customization, ensuring smooth performance on any accelerated setup.


In order to use LLMs from NVIDIA AI, create an account on NVIDIA NGC Service.

Generate an API key from their dashboard. Set the API key as NVIDIA_API_KEY environment variable. Note that the NVIDIA_API_KEY will start with nvapi-.

Below is an example of how to use LLM model and embedding model from NVIDIA AI:

Token Usage

You can get the cost of the query by setting token_usage to True in the config file. This will return the token details: prompt_tokens, completion_tokens, total_tokens, total_cost, cost_currency. The list of paid LLMs that support token usage are:

  • OpenAI
  • Vertex AI
  • Anthropic
  • Cohere
  • Together
  • Groq
  • Mistral AI

Here is an example of how to use token usage:

If a model is missing and you’d like to add it to model_prices_and_context_window.json, please feel free to open a PR.

If you can't find the specific LLM you need, no need to fret. We're continuously expanding our support for additional LLMs, and you can help us prioritize by opening an issue on our GitHub or simply reaching out to us on our Slack or Discord community.