
Embedchain supports several embedding models from the following providers:


To use OpenAI embedding function, you have to set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable. You can obtain the OpenAI API key from the OpenAI Platform.

Once you have obtained the key, you can use it like this:

  • OpenAI announced two new embedding models: text-embedding-3-small and text-embedding-3-large. Embedchain supports both these models. Below you can find YAML config for both:

Google AI

To use Google AI embedding function, you have to set the GOOGLE_API_KEY environment variable. You can obtain the Google API key from the Google Maker Suite

For more details regarding the Google AI embedding model, please refer to the Google AI documentation.

AWS Bedrock

To use AWS Bedrock embedding function, you have to set the AWS environment variable.

For more details regarding the AWS Bedrock embedding model, please refer to the AWS Bedrock documentation.

Azure OpenAI

To use Azure OpenAI embedding model, you have to set some of the azure openai related environment variables as given in the code block below:

You can find the list of models and deployment name on the Azure OpenAI Platform.


GPT4All supports generating high quality embeddings of arbitrary length documents of text using a CPU optimized contrastively trained Sentence Transformer.

Hugging Face

Hugging Face supports generating embeddings of arbitrary length documents of text using Sentence Transformer library. Example of how to generate embeddings using hugging face is given below:

Vertex AI

Embedchain supports Google’s VertexAI embeddings model through a simple interface. You just have to pass the model_name in the config yaml and it would work out of the box.


NVIDIA AI Foundation Endpoints let you quickly use NVIDIA’s AI models, such as Mixtral 8x7B, Llama 2 etc, through our API. These models are available in the NVIDIA NGC catalog, fully optimized and ready to use on NVIDIA’s AI platform. They are designed for high speed and easy customization, ensuring smooth performance on any accelerated setup.


In order to use embedding models and LLMs from NVIDIA AI, create an account on NVIDIA NGC Service.

Generate an API key from their dashboard. Set the API key as NVIDIA_API_KEY environment variable. Note that the NVIDIA_API_KEY will start with nvapi-.

Below is an example of how to use LLM model and embedding model from NVIDIA AI:


To use embedding models and LLMs from COHERE, create an account on COHERE.

Generate an API key from their dashboard. Set the API key as COHERE_API_KEY environment variable.

Once you have obtained the key, you can use it like this:

  • Cohere has few embedding models: embed-english-v3.0, embed-multilingual-v3.0, embed-multilingual-light-v3.0, embed-english-v2.0, embed-english-light-v2.0 and embed-multilingual-v2.0. Embedchain supports all these models. Below you can find YAML config for all:


Ollama enables the use of embedding models, allowing you to generate high-quality embeddings directly on your local machine. Make sure to install Ollama and keep it running before using the embedding model.

You can find the list of models at Ollama Embedding Models.

Below is an example of how to use embedding model Ollama:


Install related dependencies using the following command:

pip install --upgrade 'embedchain[clarifai]'

set the CLARIFAI_PAT as environment variable which you can find in the security page. Optionally you can also pass the PAT key as parameters in LLM/Embedder class.

Now you are all set with exploring Embedchain.