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Check out the remarkable work accomplished using Embedchain.

Get started with Embedchain by trying out the examples below. You can run the examples in your browser using Google Colab or Replit.

LLMGoogle ColabReplit
OpenAIOpen In ColabTry with Replit Badge
AnthropicOpen In ColabTry with Replit Badge
Azure OpenAIOpen In ColabTry with Replit Badge
VertexAIOpen In ColabTry with Replit Badge
CohereOpen In ColabTry with Replit Badge
TogetherOpen In Colab
OllamaOpen In Colab
Hugging FaceOpen In ColabTry with Replit Badge
JinaChatOpen In ColabTry with Replit Badge
GPT4AllOpen In ColabTry with Replit Badge
Llama2Open In ColabTry with Replit Badge
Embedding modelGoogle ColabReplit
OpenAIOpen In ColabTry with Replit Badge
VertexAIOpen In ColabTry with Replit Badge
GPT4AllOpen In ColabTry with Replit Badge
Hugging FaceOpen In ColabTry with Replit Badge
Vector DBGoogle ColabReplit
ChromaDBOpen In ColabTry with Replit Badge
ElasticsearchOpen In ColabTry with Replit Badge
OpensearchOpen In ColabTry with Replit Badge
PineconeOpen In ColabTry with Replit Badge